Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sledding for the first time!

Yep...took the kids sledding for the first time this year. Took Sprog for the first time ever!

They had a blast. Sprog kept shouting, "Encore" just before dashing up the hill as fast as his little two year old legs could carry him.

The unfortunate thing was the wind was pretty it didn't last as long as either of them would have wanted. I also have to pick them up some new sleds because let me tell you...that magic carpet - not the greatest thing!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Words Kids Use....

So my youngest was playing with his blocks. He was concentrating really hard on them. When I said to him, I was going upstairs and asked if he wanted to come with me, he replied: "No, I PREFER to play with my blocks." Eyeroll. You would never know that he just turned two!

The house is fully decorated now. It's definitely looking like santa will visit. If only I can get to him to go and see Santa now.

The presents are all bought...I just have to now wrap them. Boy I hate wrapping!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Crappy Snow!

We got about 18 inches of snow and yet it's the crappiest snow ever! I took the kids outside to make such luck! We had trouble even packing it to make snowballs!

Have you ever noticed that it takes longer to get the kids ready to go outside then the time we actually spend outside? Sprog at least kept his mitts on today, but the snow kept getting under the time I'll have to put the coat liner over the tops.

They were happy to get hot chocolate and are now watching a christmas special!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Now Have Two Popular Products!

My MIL was right. Those towels were definitely a big hit! Out of the 14 I had yesterday, I sold 12. So now I have to get my ass in gear and get more done up this week. I'm hoping to be in another show next saturday....still waiting to hear back from the organizer. I need to get them done anyway. Then I'll be ready for next year as well!

The kids went to Nanny's yesterday....I guess it seemed to go ok. I forgot to put the roast on and well, we had KD for supper. Tonight I'll make sure there is a nice meal with some of their favourites. I feel like they have been ignored nutritiously lately!

We're off to swim today, maybe a trip to the park. We're also going to finish watching Meltdown. Busy, busy day!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Another Craft Show Today!

I have another craft show today....I can't wait! I am wasting time sitting here, I'm not even dressed yet!

The kids are partially dressed. Daddy is supposedly going to get some things on his list done. I'm hoping that he'll be able to do at least some things on MY list done!

I think I am done most of my christmas shopping, all that's left are stocking stuffers! The Tree will look a little bare this year but next year I am hoping for a better year!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Trimming the tree? With a 3 and 2 Year Old?

Yep....tis the season and I am just Cringing at putting the tree up.

My three year old on the other hand - Just can't wait! He's constantly trying to put up more "decorations"! Sigh....I know the day is coming but can't it wait just a couple more weeks??

We have done the front window and this afternoon when sprog sleeps I will let him do the area above the china cabinet. I am trying to space it out but it's just not going over well with sprout!

Hopefully this year the tree will stay up??

Monday, November 23, 2009

How wonders never cease!

It was a good morning. We went to playgroup, all four of us! Daddy came along to see what was going on. We came home to have a nice lunch of left over pizza. Sprog is now nappy and Orin is quite content playing wii.

So I have time to myself! Yep, that's right....I have time to myself!

I have done some ebaying and facebooking and now I am blogging.

Oh and I also got some more christmas towels done! It's been a good day!